Friday, February 13, 2015

My thoughts about this lump, Called Tom, and my plans with this blog.

Good Morning My Lovelies,

  I am up, and decided to put some things together. I woke up with some of the points that I need to bring up, and given the fact that Tom never seems to shut up, on Soundcloud, his facebook, or blog. He just drones on, and on. So much bullshit. I know for a fact that he is totally lying. I have my moments when I am either listening, or reading his accusations, that I can only sit in total sadness, anger, and confusion. I don't understand, and I really don't think I want to understand, how someone can make such hurtful, disgusting, character assassinating story about another person. Why? Tom, you are trying to wreck a persons life for no other reason, then in direct retaliation against The Satanic Temple. Your exact words were that Daniel, Beth, her family, and his daughter will all suffer because of Daniels connection to The Satanic Temple. You can even hear for yourself on this recording March ahead, not back....or in Toms case off a cliff

What kind of a person can do something like this to another? I have had extreme hate for someone, and in my honesty, could care less if they lived or died. Who hasn't? But, to intentionally create a story as devastating as this one, is completely incomprehensible to me. What is wrong with a person that does this? It is really a honest question, and I'm not sure even a answer will bring me a understanding of such a person like Tom. As I read up on the public posts, blogs, and audio I would like nothing more then to get away from this person. I don't know him, and I don't want to know him. He reminds me of a character in a crime novel, usually described as a sociopath I am in no way saying he is one, but that his actions and behavior is something I have never come across, and my only knowledgeable form of a comparison.

I do know that if someone doesn't stand their ground with him, and not give in to his demands, he will only continue to do it again, and again. I do say this with confidence based on his track record. I have found him over the last few years doing this same thing to someone else. For example, on Podomatic I found a recording of his on Allison Jones page  from March of 2012. He is doing the same thing to her, as he is presently doing to Daniel. Giving her a dead line, or posts go back up, with tags to family and friends. His claims to having friends out there to take care of things for him (that clean up like the mob), and then a promise of fame in the google search engine results. Wow! You mean he has done this before? Oh boy, has he ever!

When he does not like something, he spins these stories. Then when the person confronts him, he gets belligerent, and vulgar in his attacks. Male or female, he will say anything to degrade that person. His attack on a girl named Kindra, is pretty brutal. In a soundcloud of his he even goes as far as saying that he would like to hunt them (Kindra, and Michael) down and slit their throats. He then refers to her as Meth head Kindra, oh wait....Isn't that what he is presently doing to me? Nevermind, he refers to me as a Crack head. I thought I had him for a second there. The funny part is, from my early days on the internet, and my introduction to social media, I had a sense of concern about my privacy, so upon suggestion I created the name Beth Hedrick from two different people that I admired. I have never used my real name online. The only ones that use it, are my doctors, and bill collectors.  So nice try Tom, on the lengthy record you claim to have on me. You got a snippit of a story, and ran right into a wall with it. I am a sober alcoholic, for a year now. No big scary story about it. I chose to address a problem, and I hate to inform you, but there was no rehab. I had a appointment with my doctor to get a check up, and then I had another a week later. Just to make sure all was okay. You can take your snotty names, and opinion of a person that has chose a life of sobriety, and shove it up your ignorant ass. I will be more then happy to give links to your blogs, and soundcloud to a few online support groups for addiction. I'm sure they would have plenty to say about your rants, even facebook declared them as "hate speech". That is why your public figure page was deleted. It was due to the constant posts on both Daniel, and myself.

I stand behind and support Daniels choice in telling you to "fuck off" in regards to your deal, and demands. I have never seen him back down, and I guarantee you, he wont with you no matter what you threaten to do. He will not stop until you are held accountable for the damage you have done. No matter what lies, or accusations you post about either of us. What you are doing is not right, not right at all. This time, you pulled your game on the wrong person. He will not give up, or give in for the simple fact that you are lying, and you know you are. Now, I also question Cindy, and her role in your little game. I could not defend, or stand behind any man that tells the lies that you are telling. Then there is Meg or as I like to call her... Mama June. Now, come on. Don't get butt hurt. Tell me you don't see a resemblance.

Now Tom chill out. Your insults are becoming annoying, and your broken record tangents are getting old. I know your wife is so damn hot, and she clearly looks so much better then me. I am clearly jealous. She has so much to be envious of. A stud of a husband, money, fame, followers, and can do magic. Bitch! Just not fair. Pffft! Do you have any clue how stupid you
sound with your threats of magic? Even the Christians have advised you
to stop playing dungeons and dragons.

You posted your threat to Daniel, and then proceeded to carry it out. You used your blog Voice of theistic satanism and Soundcloud accounts as your weapon. I do not fear you, your wife, or Mama June (I think maybe Meg has bigger concerns to worry about looking at this site.) or all the magic that the three of you think you can conjure up, to hex us. Now, don't worry my lil man. My next post will cover your so called "stalking" accusations. I will have videos, screen shots, and even the flier in question. I am well prepared to discredit you, and your allegations. For now, I shall take a break, and enjoy some coffee and breakfast. See you soon. 
Tom threatening harm to us.

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